ELEVEN STEPS TO GENOCIDE It's all now incredibly clear. Everything we've been watching over the last 20 months has been a globalist-led effort to convince billions of people to exterminate themselves without them knowing it. Waging an open kinetic war on humanity would meet instant resistance. People tend to fight back when they're being attacked and slaughtered with bullets and bombs. So globalists had to figure out a way to carry out mass slaughter on a planetary scale without alerting the masses to what they were doing. It's a very difficult challenge, but they figured out how to achieve it in a few simple steps: 1. Build a toxic nanoparticle weapon system (the spike protein) and mass produce it in labs run by the Chinese and US military. 2. Fake an outbreak in China along with "leaked" scary videos of Chinese people falling over dead in mere seconds after breathing in the "virus." 3. Cue media frenzy. 4. Drop the toxic nanoparticles on NYC (and Northern Italy) to simulate a "viral outbreak." 5. Put in place test people for "covid" via faulty PCR tests that merely detect the presence of the toxic nanoparticles and other viral fragments. 6. Unleash mass media propaganda, claiming everybody will die unless they take vaccines. 7. Fill the vaccines with the exact same toxic nanoparticles you dropped on New York City and Northern Italy in the first place. 8. Unleash mass injections of the population with that causes the people's on bodies to manufacture the toxic nanoparticles (the spike protein) and fraudulently label them "vaccines." 9. As people get injected with the "vaccines", they start shedding the toxic nanoparticles, making others sick around them. Frame this as a "worsening pandemic" to spread more fear and drive more people into the spike protein injections. 10. Censor anyone talking about vaccine injuries or deaths. 11. Pay off hospital administrators to wildly exaggerate covid numbers to keep the scamdemic going. Eleven Steps To Genocide. This is, in a nutshell, how they did it. Notice there is no virus required to pull it off. All they needed was a spike protein nanoparticle weapon system combined with media collusion and Big Tech censorship. From the globalist point of view, the real genius in all this is how they've managed to get people to beg for their own vaccine death shots. Never before in human history have the masses been manipulated into lining up and demanding their own deaths. The vaccine holocaust is a stealth operation, requiring no bullets, bombs or missiles. It only needs censorship, journo-terrorism and a toxic nanoparticle bioweapon combined with a fraudulent PCR protocol authorized by the criminal CDC. It's now completely obvious that the real goal is mass extermination of the human race. In a sane world where globalists weren't trying to exterminate the human race, Ivermectin would be celebrated as a safe, effective, low-cost medical intervention. Vitamin D would be recommended for nearly everyone. Fauci and the other bioweapons criminals would be indicted and charged with crimes against humanity. And the science journals wouldn't be run by communist China. But our world is not sane. It is ruled by a completely insane globalist death cult that seeks the total destruction of the human race. That's why everything you're seeing unfold makes no sense unless you realize the goal really is depopulation / genocide against humanity. In that context, suddenly it all makes sense: The gain-of-function research, the media's psychological operations, the hospitals faking covid numbers to "scare" the public, the science journals scheming to attack Ivermectin and hide the origins of the spike protein, the incessant pushing of covid vaccine mandates, the economic lockdowns that destroy lives, etc. Once you understand that the goal is total death and destruction, suddenly it all makes sense. In Scotland, 80% of the covid deaths are now occurring among the vaccinated. And in high vaccination rate countries like Israel and Singapore, hospitalizations and deaths are skyrocketing. It shouldn't be any surprise, of course, because when you inject lots of people with biological weapons, many of them get sick and die. 1 + 1 = 2. It's straight up cause and effect. The globalists are aware of something much bigger that's approaching our world... something on a COSMIC scale. As I've revealed previously, the total panic of the globalists in their mad rush to exterminate the human race reveals something truly astonishing: They themselves fear what's coming... something cosmic, something bigger than any pandemic or any war. There's an approaching threat they know about, and they believe this event will collapse human civilization as we know it... hence their need to rapidly cleanse the planet of humans so that the chaos can be somewhat controlled. (They don't want billions of people realizing what's happening and then panicking in the streets, going after all the resources that globalists themselves need to survive.) It's almost as if these anti-human globalists know for certain that there's an approaching supervolcano event, or an asteroid that's going to collide with the planet, or an alien invasion (or perhaps a faked one) or some other similar world-ending event that's imminent. So they're in a mad rush to exterminate as many as possible before that event approaches. (Could it be Planet X?) We can therefore take an informed guess that since the vaccine death agenda is being aggressively, desperately accelerated right now, this approaching event is probably expected to emerge sometime in 2022. The coming winter is likely to be the target window for globalists to release the second half of their binary bioweapon, causing mass casualties among the vaccinated, via hyperinflammation reactions to the newly-released pathogens or particles. This could theoretically kill off billions of humans by the time mid-2022 arrives.