From Thompson, John Date Received 09/03/2024 08:59 PM CDT Subject Bad news.... I lost my job George!! Figured I would give you a heads up. I got called out to speak with internal affairs today. I dont know if someone told on me or what. I havent even figured out what Im being written up for either. I didnt think to ask about it during my interrogation. I have been trying to find the conduct code on my tablet to find out if having a website is even against the rules. Im not sure really, I hear of people in here who have published books and even buy and sell stocks and operate bank accounts so having the website may not even be a writeup. I know the fact that I was using a computer to do something non work related is a writeup, what level though Im not sure. Hell when I was taking my MRT class back in April BEFORE I even started in the call center I told the chapelin and my counselor that my 1 year goal was to finish the main part of my website. I had the html file saved on my desktop in a folder for Gods sake. If I was wanting to hide the file they would have never found it. I made some really cool changes including some background color updates and was getting ready to copy the CSS code down on paper and mail it to you by last friday. Obviously that plan got shot to hell and I wasnt able to copy any of my progress down. I cant stop this project though, I dont want to break the rules any more than I already have so if I do find out that operating a website is against the rules Im going to have to resort to writing this in book format and you will have to shut the site down. I dont want to shut down the site until they complete their investigation though, that way they cant accuse me of obstructing. I know for a fact that books arent against the rules. This project is WAY too important to just give up on. Getting fired may be what I needed to be honest with you. It gives me all the time in the world to sound the alarm about how close to the end we truly are. Sacrifices are good when its for a good cause. From Thompson, John Date Received 08/30/2024 11:33 AM CDT Subject the burden of knowledge Hey I just want to say sorry for all the chaos. I have been burdened by the knowledge in my head and frustrated by my inability to get anyone to listen. I have known all along that what I was doing was extremely risky but I allowed my own pride and ego to convince me that it was for a noble cause. In the blindness of my pride caused by knowledge, I risked the jobs of 39 other people. Years ago long before being locked up I was constantly plagued by nightmares of something terrible in our future, feelings that started in middle school. These feelings are what led me to start studying bible prophecy. I had emotions of fear throughout these nightmares that for some reason are now plagueing me in my waking moments. I dont have any other explanation for why these feelings are coming back now other than a deep conviction that Yahweh is trying to wake me up from my sin and show me something that needs to be shared with the world. Many times a week even while doing normal daily ruitines I am swallowed up by the intense feeling that something truly historic and cataclysmic is on the horizon. My skin will get goosebumps for no reason and I feel like I am being dunked in cold water. I am truly tormented by the fact that noone will listen and that the idea of the end is a joke to them. I am frequently the butt of peoples jokes and ridicule but for some reason I was still willing to risk everything for what I believe in. In my blind devotion to this project I risked not only everything I have worked to overcome but the jobs of others as well which isnt fair to them. Thank you for being the only one willing to truly listen. Unfortunately because of my decisions I am likely about to enter the toughest period of my entire sentence. Sorry for letting you down. Please pray for my repentance and protection. From Thompson, John Date Received 08/24/2024 10:38 AM CDT Subject css wishlist Here is what I need asap: 1: Documentation outlining the creation of side,top,and bottom bars to be used for advertising or links to other content on the site such as additional articles. I have in mind some sort of "floating" left side bar that follows the user as they scroll down the page. This side bar will contain links to other content on the site. It will allow them to select another article without having to scroll all the way back to the top of the page. The top and right side bar will be for possible advertisers, with the top bar/header being the premium advertising slot for an as yet to be determined partner in this ministry. The bottom will be for providing links to other Messianic/prison ministries. 2: Documentation outling css code for auto adjusting page content/width for various devices and/or browsers/operating systems. 3: Documentation outlining how to move sections of text around on the page. 4: Documentation for the usage of server hosted font sets. I have already been reading up on this. The way the usage of fontset works is one of two ways. #1- you find a webpage that hosts the desired fontset and then create a corresponding ‹a href=""› attribute within the ‹head› which links to the hosting webpage OR #2- And this is the better option, you down load the fontset and host it from the server yourself. This is beneficial because it prevents the fontset from disappearing as soon as the webpage hosting it changes. The downside it that you will likely have to purchase the hebrew fontset. While there are free hebrew fontsets out there, most of what I have seen so far are free only up to a specific # of site visits to the page using the fontset. Once you hit a certain number of visitors to your page, you have to purchase a fontset. I have an article in the works tha is going to be VERY heavy in its use of Hebrew. From Thompson, John Date Received 08/13/2024 05:34 AM CDT Subject Good news I got the mail you sent btw. Thank you very much!!! As of right now btw it is 6:30 AM which is 1:30PM in Israel. It looks like Israel wont be attacked on the 9th of Av on their mourning day. Kinda surprised me that Iran didnt go for it. Its the greatest day of mourning in Jewish history. Its a good thing for sure though. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Gotta get ready for work......Love ya talk with you later today From Thompson, John Date Received 08/05/2024 06:17 AM CDT Subject 33rd Olympiad/Occult connection? If you research the history of the "abomination of desolation" under Antiochus Epiphanes youll learn that the idol which was erected in the Temple was that of Jupiter Olympus, the chief deity of the Greeks. Not only that but a gymnasium was also erected in the area. There appears to be a very strong demonic history behind these games which made the fact that this years games take place on the 33rd Olympiad very interesting. Its very well known that the Illuminati and Freemasons are obsessed with the #33 and so are Luciferians. The 33rd degree masons are satanists. food for thought.....gotta go to work From Thompson, John Date Received 08/03/2024 10:41 AM CDT Subject August 12-13???Israel attack? With everything going on right now I have to wonder if Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houtis will attack Israel in an all out attack sometime on or around August 12-13th. Why? On August 12th at sunset is the beginning of a day of mourning and fasting to remember the 9th of Av. The 9th of Av is without a doubt the most significant date in the history of the Jewish people. Along with many massacres and pograms that have happened on this day both Solomons Temple and Herods Temple were destroyed on this day. Do a Google search for 9th of Av. Every pro-Iran militant group in the Middle East has vowed to support Iran when they go forward with their retaliatory strikes against Israel. I had a dream this week of a massive attack on Israel. In my dream I remember hearing the word "drones" and seeing what looked like Al-Aksa Mosque in Jerusalem being hit. My memory of the dream is hazy but it looked like a grey domed mosque and the only thing I can think of in Israel that resembles that is the Al-Aksa Mosque on the Temple Mount. From Thompson, John Date Received 08/01/2024 04:45 PM CDT Subject RE:Matia? Thank you for looking up Matia. Ill be completely honest with you about something I have never told anyone. I had regrets the day I got married. I regretted not having the courage and self confidence to develop a closer friendship with Matia when I was 18. The last time we spoke was when I worked at Teleservices Direct. That night has haunted me for 19 years George. I still remember every moment of the night we got off work and she asked me for a ride on my moped and I was scared that I would wreck it and hurt her. I felt like such pansy. I was so screwed up as a kid that I didnt know how to grow close to her. I have not stopped thinking about her in the 10 years I have been locked up. I have been telling myself this whole time that she will never want to speak to me with all the disgusting things in my past. I made up my mind that I dont want to live with this regret any longer. If she doesnt want to speak to me, as hard as that will be Ill accept it. I cant just sit back and not try. Things are getting crazy in this world. Seeing her photo was like a gut punch to me. Its so odd to me that she has that effect on me. I have very few memories in my life that are as seared im my mind as the summer at Deming Park when she and I were kids and then the last time I saw her when I was 18. I was hit with an incredible sadness when I saw her photo. Its so hard to describe. From Thompson, John Date Received 08/01/2024 03:32 PM CDT Subject RE:Matia? Yes thats her im pretty sure. Let me know if you can find her or get into contact with her. From Thompson, John Date Received 07/23/2024 04:16 PM CDT Subject catalog Hey just a quick message about the ordering catalog. Go to and see if you can sign me up for a subscription.....thank you From Thompson, John Date Received 07/05/2024 06:09 AM CDT Subject Legal work I know this is a bit delayed, I wanted to give this whole conversation of ours on Tuesday some thought. After 3 days of thinking on this I've decided that I do not want to call the lawyer in Indianapolis just yet. Im getting out ahead of my skis on this one. For now here is the plan: Per our conversation if you can get into contact with the lawyer who represented me in this case, Dennis M(a)jewski (sp?), I need everything he has on file including a full transcript and any audio recordings which he created in our interviews at the jail, as well as all notes he made regarding my case. I need to know why he chose not to mention my child history at my pre-sentence investigation and sentencing including the fact that I was molested in my 1st foster home. Did he ever attempt to investigate the things I told him about my multiple suspensions from school over an abnornal addiction to porn? Did he ever try to contact my 1st foster parents? Why didnt he mention these things as mitigating factors in my sentencing? What investigative steps did he pursue? Did he even bother contacting my parents? This question is very important: Would bringing my child history up as a possible missed mitigating factor be a successful strategy for pursuing a sentence modification? Should I use this issue of child history for something other than a sentence mod? Perhaps a PCR (Post conviction relief)? I want to take this one step at a time. Getting this info is going to lay the groundwork for what I do next. Thanks for your help....please keep me updated From Thompson, John Date Received 07/04/2024 10:39 AM CDT Subject Reply to all the Fathers days messages I dont have enough link units to respond to every email you sent so I will condense it to one for the reply. Every single email you sent really means a lot to me. Especially the one about you not bailing on me when I was locked up. You have been the only good thing in my life for nearly 2 decades now. I believe that Yahweh has plans for us still and that he brought you into my life for a truly divine purpose. All these years locked up and still the only thing I look forward to every week is our phone call together. I truly hope that if shtf that somehow we can find one another and that your safe throughout whatever happens. I sometimes wonder why I bother making plans for release when deep down inside I believe that things will go south long before my release date. I know that sounds really negative but in truth its not negative persay because the positive endgoal of prophetic fulfillment far outways my release. I honestly believe that Yahweh brought you and I together so that this end times message could be broadcast to the world. Without you it couldnt happen. I do have a request for you though, I have been procrastinating on this and I know you have been busy at times which is causing this project to be delayed. Can you please push me to move forward on this and help hold me accountable? This is an important calling and I would have a hard time forgiving myself if I squander all the free time I have and dont live up to my purpose. I get discouraged on this project and after Covid and the loss of my religious services I tend to have a defeatist mindset. I really need you to push me on this. Got one more email to send about the legal work.....stay tuned I was going to send it on tuesday but after I got off the phone with you the tablets were not working the rest of the day and yesterday I was super busy From Thompson, John Date Received 06/13/2024 03:19 PM CDT Subject Happy Fathers Day Hey I wanted to shoot you a message in case I dont speak to you on the phone in time. I hope this Father's day is awesome for you. I just want to thank you once again for being in my life. These past 21 years with you in my life have been full of darkness most of my own making. You have quite honestly been the biggest source of light in my life during this time. There is nothing I can offer you in return for your love and devotion other than a genuine repentant life worthy of all the work you have tried putting into my life. I have screwed up so much in my life and oddly enough you would think that I feared disappointing Yahweh more than anyone but I don't. One of my greatest fears is not becoming the better man that you can be proud of. I know this really speaks to my needing to better my relationship with Yahweh but I also believe that wanting to make you proud will ultimately lead me into a greater relationship with God. Afterall it is Yahweh who commands me to honour my mother and father. I truly hope that through a truly repentant life I can honor all the time you have blessed me with your presence in my life. Thank you for loving me for who I am and not giving up on me. I hope to be a small part of the reason why you recieve the crown of life when your efforts in my life finally bear good fruit that survives the fires of testing. I love you Dad. From Thompson, John Date Received 06/09/2024 08:20 AM CDT Subject Peace then sudden destruction??? Hey George its been a while since I shot you an email. What do you think about the global calls for a ceasefire followed by a Palestinian state? For many years I have wondered what the nature of the conflict would be when the Bible speaks about a future scenario where the world would say "peace, peace" and then cometh sudden destruction. I would have to say that the current situation globally seems VERY ripe for the fulfillment of this prophecy. It seems like Israel is the only nation on the planet that can cause all nations to freak out when conflict arises. I have wondered for over 5-6 years now what the year 2024 would have in store for the world especially during the 2024 Summer Olympics. The Olympics seems like an opportune time to unleash hell on earth. We'll see I guess. Its definitely the best way to unleash the next pandemic. What do you think about the next MAJOR conflict? Do you think it will wait until after Trump is in office or before? I think before....I could easily see some global outbreak of violence coupled with an illegal immigrant induced terror attack in the US before the elections. It would be the perfect scenario to usher Trump back into office. From Thompson, John Date Received 04/26/2024 11:45 AM CDT Subject Mothers Day gift to be delayed, in part Hey I wanted to let you know that the purse I had intended for Mothers Day is going to be delayed. I was going to send the purse along with a drawing I paid someone to draw but I bit off a bit more than I could chew hahaha. I recieved permission to modify the purse design and have almost completely redesigned the original templates. The original design consisted of only 12 pieces and my revamped version of a reversable purse will be over 80 pieces!! Not only that but I was able to obtain real leather just today instead of pleather which I didnt have enough of to begin with anyways. The real leather entering the equation is what has dramatically changed the timeline for this project because the machines are not capable of sewing multiple layers of leather. Most of this is going to have to be done by hand. Ill keep you update.......Georgio Armani signing out haha P.s. Im a glutton for pain according to the "sewing coordinator". I'll wear that as a badge of honor....... From Thompson, John Date Received 04/23/2024 11:52 AM CDT Subject Drawing book!!! Hey here is the book I was talking about.... " Drawing Architecture: The Beginners guide to Drawing and Painting Buildings" By: Richard Taylor On the first week of May I will be buying some art supplies from the recreation department and starting practicing on drawing buildimgs. I hope to make my 1st official drawing for you. Just bear with me...thanks btw. Love ya From Thompson, John Date Received 04/09/2024 11:49 AM CDT Subject Job interview.... Hey I just wanted you to know that I just got back from my job interview for the call center. As I previously said, I got the job. I was told that I will likely start back into the job within 2-3 weeks. Ryan, my boss, said he will send the paperwork to IA (internal affairs) for approval, afterwhich they will be forwarded to my counselor for me to sign. Just thought I would let you ya Ps you should send me a video clip on the tablet..would be nice to see a moving version of you. Or perhaps a video visit lasting 25 minutes...your choice From Thompson, John Date Received 04/04/2024 04:14 PM CDT Subject solar eclipse/terrorist attack? I had a disturbing thought....millions are traveling to viewing sites for the eclipse on Monday. Today Iran announced that within the next 48 hours they will attack Israel and that the US is also a target. I can think of no better time to stage a massive attack on the US. Millions of Americans will be sitting ducks. States are declaring states of emergency.....what do they know??????Whatever you do George stay home on Monday. Just be this possibility on whatever forum you can. reddit, 4 chan, you name it......6,000 years of man??? From Thompson, John Date Received 04/03/2024 09:39 AM CDT Subject books Hey George, I asked you in our phone call about the Amazon gift card and you said it was spent up. I didnt want to take up our phone time searching for books so I figured I would email it. It sounds kinda odd, call it a mid life renewal maybe, but I was wanting to try and reconnect with something I enjoyed doing as a teen. You and I spoke about how growing up I really desired to become an architect. I have always enjoyed drawing buildings using "2 point perspective" and wanted to learn 3 point as well. I know very little about techniques and want to learn. I have been looking through other peoples "Bargain Books" catalogues for years and have never seen books dealing with the drawing of buildings until I signed up for my own subscription to "Bargain Books". As fate would have it my very 1st catalogue contained a book I would love to have. I would also like to see if you can do a search for a book that deals with all perspective drawing techniques of buildings. Im looking for something that goes from intermediate to advanced levels of perspective architectural drawing. Whatever the cost just take it out of the next monthly $100 you send. My first drawing will be part of your next birthday gift on Sept 24. The book I found is: " Drawing Architecture -The Beginners Guide to Drawing and Painting Buildings" by: Richard Taylor Like I said I also need a book that deals specifically with all the ins and outs of perspective drawing of architecture. Sort of a perspective drawing bible if you know what I mean. Your help on this would be hugely appreciated. I really need a positive hobby. Thank you. Ps-The sooner you get it to me the sooner I can start working on your gift lol From Thompson, John Date Received 03/27/2024 10:13 AM CDT Subject Real Vida going live..... Hey I wanted to let you know that the ministry Real Vida Tv has started doing livestreaming via facebook. I was wondering if maybe you could add them on Facebook so that the next time they do a livestream you can do a shout out for me. They livestream the messages of both the families of inmates as well as former inmates. It would be an excellent way to promote your 6,000 year project, they may even respond to your comment which would be ideal for promoting traffic to the project. Im not sure if the chat log will allow links but its worth a try. You could easily do it while at work. Just open up a browser window while your working and post the comment saying who you are and our relationship to one another and your done. Im sure that their facebook pafe should have some sort of schedule posted so you know when the next livestream is.....gotta go to chow love ya From Thompson, John Date Received 03/23/2024 09:07 AM CDT Subject RE:Hey! Thanks for letting me know!! I hope you get to feeling better. I was definately starting to wonder what was going on. Im kinda surprised I got this email so quickly. Here lately they have been way behind. Speaking of that.... I got the letter Christina sent. It was postmarked March 12th but I didnt get it until the 20th. I will try and get ahold of of you on Tuesday. Btw you should look into taking Balance of Nature. I hear its really good for you... From Thompson, John Date Received 03/19/2024 05:00 PM CDT Subject 6,000 #4 " For a thousand years in your eyes Are like yesterday that has passed." (Psalms 90:4) "But, beloved ones, let not this one matter be hidden from you: that with Yahweh one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." (2 Peter 3:8) According to this view, Elohim (God) created the world with a plan that it would exist for a total of 6,000 years before being destroyed by fire and then entering a period of rest (shabbat) and judgement lasting for 1,000 years. Jewish tradition further teaches that there are 3 main periods of human history: ---The 6 Days of Creation--- ---The Shabbat ( Sabbath or Day 7)--- --- and Olam HaBa ("The World to Come" in Hebrew)--- The "6 Days of Creation" fall under the idea of "Olam HaZeh" which, in Hebrew, means "This World" and refers to the current era of human history dated from the time that Adam was expelled from the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:24) and the start of the Messianic Age (Revelation 20:4), which is considered as the era leading up to Mashiach (the Jewish Messiah) or the end of history. The "6 Days of Creation" are also divided up into 3 periods of time according to the Talmud (the Jewish code of law from 230 A.D.): ---2,000 Years of Desolation--- ---2,000 Years of Torah--- ---2,000 Years of the Messianic Era--- " The Tanna debe Eliyyahu teaches: The world is to exist six thousand years. In the first two thousand there was desolation; two thousand years the Torah flourished; and the next two thousand years is the Messianic Era, but through our many iniquites all these years have been lost." —Talmud, Sanhedrin 97a— From Thompson, John Date Received 03/19/2024 04:36 PM CDT Subject 6,000 #3 Thus said Yahweh, "Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and find rest for yourselves. (Jeremiah 6:16) The 6,000 Years of Man (All in Bold large font George) Ancient proof that the End is Near (smaller bold italic) Thousands of years ago a teaching which I call " The 6,000 Years of Man' emerged among various sects of the Jewish faith. Had this teaching been more fully understood, especially among early Christian believers, it would given the followers of Messiah a much better understanding of WHEN the End of Days would occur. For various reasons, which I will detail later, the 6,000 Years of Man teaching has remained, up until now, in early 2024, largely unknown and quite frankly misunderstood by nearly all believers both Christian AND Jew. (After thousands of hours of study on the End Times I believe I have made a critical discovery which has allowed me to unlock much of this teaching. With this discovery I believe that I can prove that this generation, also known as Gen Z, is in fact the final generation to be born before the return of the Messiah!!!) "What exactly is the 6,000 Years of Man teaching?" ( bold italics George) The belief of a 6,000 year cycle in Jewish traditon is based on the interpretation of the book of Genesis in the Bible, which describes the creation of the earth and our earliest ancestors Adam and Eve. According to this interpretation, the world was created in six days and on the seventh day Elohim (Hebrew for "God") rested. Over the centuries many Orthodox Jews have used the 6,000 year teaching as a way to understand the history of the world and this has resulted in history, both past and future, being divided into seven millennia, with each millennium corresponding to a different " day" of creation. From Thompson, John Date Received 03/19/2024 04:05 PM CDT Subject 6,000 years #2 Far too many times over the past few years I have seen Christian authors promoting books on the"Trinity Broadcasting Network" (TBN) in which the authors claim to have vital information about the dangerous future directly ahead of us. As per usual, to my continued disappointment, this "vitally important" information is rarely ever offered up for free. While the "END IS NEAR" sales tactic is far from new, here lately given everything going on in the world whether it's the wars between Russia and Ukraine, Israel and Hamas, or the potential conflicts brewing between China and Taiwan, and North and South Korea, it's a tactic which really gets under my skin. Can you imagine the public outrage if during an active shooter situation, first responders showed up and began selling maps detailing the best evacuation routes??? Sadly this is the standard operating protocol for many of the most prominent Christian ministries across the United States. After nearly 10 years of incarceration I have learned many valuable lessons, one of which is that if I want things to change, I can't just sit back complaining. If I truly want change I must first focus on the many immoral decisions which led me to prison, begin working on those flaws, and then and only then start finding things and/or people within my circle of influence that allow me to exert a measure of control over situations and circumstances I don't agree with. This project is my response to the many stale and recycled prophetic teachings which burst on the scene every time the world teeters on the brink and an author wants to make money off the fears of others. My hope is that I am able to light a spark in the hearts and minds of believers and non-believers all around the world, and to convince them that true understanding requires that we swim against the current of mainstrean interpretation and "seek the old paths". From Thompson, John Date Received 03/19/2024 03:36 PM CDT Subject 6,000 Years of Man Introduction: Chances are if you were to take a poll of Christians around the globe, you would find that an overwhelming majority of them are familiar with many of the most popular prophetic buzzwords that frequently circulate the Internet and pulpits around the world. Countless books, articles, and even movies have been created which deal with topics such as the Antichrist, the False Prophet, the Rapture, and who can forget the infamous number 666 also known as the Mark of the Beast. The number of works dealing with the number 666 alone is so pervasive that it has virtually guaranteed at it will go down as one of the most talked about numbers in human history. Despite the sheer volume of material that has been created to teac h ABOUT the End Times, there has been very little attention given to what is ,in my opinion, one of the most important prophetic teachings for understanding WHEN the End Times will take place. So little attention in fact, that if you were to once again poll the same group of Christians you would likely find that fewer than 5% of them have ever even heard of it. The deafening silence surrounding this prophetic teaching, which I call "The 6,000 Years of Man", is in large part, the motivating reason behind why I decided to start this project from behind the walls of prison. After years of attempting to reach out to organizations such as "Perry Stone Ministries" and "Lion and the Lamb Ministries" I have grown tired of having my letters go unanswered. I've decided that the only way to get this urgent message out to the world is to put in the work myself. At least by doing this on my own (through my free-world friend and mentor George) I can ensure that people all around the world can receive this teaching free of charge. From Thompson, John Date Received 03/13/2024 09:49 PM CDT Subject I had an excellent idea today..... One of the goals for your website should obviously be to drive traffic to the page. How can we accomplish this goal? Why not seize on the border crisis as a means to draw attention. Afterall never let a good crisis go to waste right? What exactly do I mean by this? There are websites out there that specialize in creating web based petitions. What you do is create a petition via a petition platform where instead of petitioning government for redress of grievances we petition the pubic as a whole to a commitment to refuse ANY mandatory ID brought about by laws passed in the wake of a border induced terror attack. We frame the petition in such a way that it presents the current border issue as nothing more than a grand chess game being played by puppet masters with the goal of eventually forcing a federal ID down the throats of Americans. We attempt to get Americans to see the border crisis as an intentional sabotage in which both political parties are playing a part. Biden opened the border and Republicans refused to pass a border bill because Trump urged them to do so. We then make it clear that Trump has already promised the largest deportation in US history which would likely be carried out using a mass ID rollout after a catastrophic attack on the homeland. We then make it clear that the media forcing We The People into another Trump/Biden rematch is a possible clue that we are all being manipulated on a massive level to eventually bring Trump back into office to implement this ID rollout with overwhelming public support We must make it clear to the public that this is merely a possibility but that we will never submit to a federal ID simply because the federal government intentionally allowed an attack to begin with. It is a commitment to not fall for their wicked games. We will present this as a theoretical scenario, which it clearly is, and provide a link to your webpage on the bottom of the petition. If we turn out to be right, we will see millions of hits. From Thompson, John Date Received 03/05/2024 04:21 PM CST Subject bets on Trump's VP pick??? I remember well over a year ago, sometime in 2022 I told you that I think Trump will pick Tulsi Gabbard as his VP. I still stand behind that notion. What do you think? Apparently is has been announced that Gabbard is on Trump's VP shortlist. We shall see I guess. Anyhoo its great to hear that your website is up and running. You should send me a screenshot. Did you use a cookie-cutter html script or write your own? Hopefully Real Vida Ministries is willing to cover the 6,000 year teaching via their podcasts. Btw maybe you could embed a video player into the webpage with a direct link to the podcast should they choose to do something with the info you mailed? Just a thought. Real Vida also creates a digital magazine that maybe would be a good medium for further distribution of this teaching. Here are some questions for your large langauge AI bot: What are the origins of the 6,000 year teaching within the Jewish faith? How old is the Jewish teaching on the 6,000 years? Hahaha " When will the tribulation begin?" Is the tribulation 10 years long? Is it a good idea to implement global lockdowns during climate emergencies? Is eugenics a moral tool for fighting climate change? When will WW3 begin? Are Ptolemy Macron and Emmanuel Macron relatives? Is Lucifer a good person? Good luck hahaha From Thompson, John Date Received 02/26/2024 01:42 PM CST Subject 6,000 years placeholder!!! (Coming Soon!!!(Bold Large Font) (Are we living in the End Times??(Bold/italics) For thousands of years humanity has went through numerous periods of turmoil and tribulation which naturally caused many to believe that their generation would be the last. Yet time after time they got it wrong. This miserable track record, along with many false prophets and misconceptions within Christianity, has led many to believe that it's impossible to know when the season of the end will take place. Through thousands of hours of study on this very topic I've discovered that this belief is not only incorrect, but that we are in fact living in what will undoubtedly prove to be the final generation before the Return of the Messiah. Over the course of my imprisonment, 9 years and counting, I made the most important discovery of my life. I discovered an ancient Jewish teaching which I call (The 6,000 Years of Man(bold/italic). I discovered that this teaching, when coupled with the 120 year lifespan of Moses, a Prophet revered by Jews, Muslims, and Christians alike, can once-and-for-all settle the debate of (when(bold) the End Times will commence. I hope ,over the duration of this project, to awaken the masses to the imminent threats facing our world and to hopefully equip humanity with the neccessary knowledge to identify the many deceptions currently circulating within Christianity as well as those possibly looming over the horizon. In addition to dealing with the (6,000 Years of Man(bold/italics) teaching, I hope, through various written articles, to address certain societal issues causing distress to the younger generation and causing many teens and young adults to turn on their own parents. I will also provide many fresh perspectives and alternative theories in prophetic interpretation. Above all I hope to prove that one Man, Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth, is the Messiah of Humanity, He died for our many sins, and His Return is (Very Imminent!!(bold) Shalom From Thompson, John Date Received 02/23/2024 10:14 AM CST Subject France/Israel negotiations over Hamas....???? Hey I keep hearing that the CIA Director has been having meetings in Paris that are dealing with potential negotiations between Hamas and Israel. Could you do some reasearch and find out why France is the primary nation behind these negotiations? Its worth paying attention to especially considering the recent 10 year defence agreement between France-Germany with Ukraine. Let me know what you find. Love ya From Thompson, John Date Received 02/20/2024 01:34 PM CST Subject RE:Snow! Just got off the phone with you and saw that you have sent me a new photo. The mail room is short staffed so the gtl messages are delayed by many days at a time. I love the photo btw. It helps me to pretend Im at your place, which I truly miss. Btw Is your driveway in between the camper and the pole barn? Its been forever since I saw your place. I kinda struggled to place the location at first. If the porch wasnt in the photo I would have been lost. Was the pole barn the one you bought for Natascha? From Thompson, John Date Received 02/04/2024 04:35 PM CST Subject sorry for blowing up your phone Hey I just wanted to apologize for blowing up your phone. I was hoping to reach you before you go to work tomorrow so that I could ask you to show the 6,000 year poster to MaryBeth when you go to work. I was hoping to have you possibly mail out the posterboard on Tues when you work from home. Just thought you should know. I was trying to get on this asap with everything going on in the world right now From Thompson, John Date Received 02/03/2024 04:54 PM CST Subject Theoretical prophetic interpretation...... As you know I am constantly seeking to connect global events with prophecy and see if there is any merit my theories. Here is an interesting one, let me know what you think..... Daniel ch 8 is agreed by all scholars to deal with the defeat of the Median/Persian empire (The Ram with 2 Horns) at the hands of the Greek empire (The Goat with a Large Horn) under Alexander the Great ( The Large Horn). We can both agree with this. Oddly enough the prophecy goes on to say that this "Goat" will ultimately lead to the "Antichrist" aka "The Little Horn". How is it that a prophecy dealing with an empire of 2200 years ago is also dealing with the End Times? Dual fulfillment!! Here's an interesting proposition: The Ram (Iran) does as it pleases and expands to the North (Hezbollah), the South ( the Houthis), and the West (Hamas in Gaza and " West Bank"). The Goat (Western Powers) with the Large Horn (United States) charges east at the Ram "without touching the ground. B1-B Lancer bombers flew nonstop from Texas to attack Iranian proxies. Later on the " Large Horn aka the US" is broken perhaps through war? It is then replaced by 4 smaller "horns". Here is what I find interesting..... Apparently the nations of Canada, UK, New Zealand, Australia, and some others were involved in the attack against Iranian proxies on 2/2/24. What is the significance of these 4 nations? They are part of the so-called " Five Eyes" which is the primary intelligence sharing partners with the US. Among the Five Eyes the US is the super power or "Large Horn". Just speculation at this point. Its worth paying attention to. Another note, Ive discovered that the # 120 is significant in prophecy. The Oct 7 attack is day 1. On the night of Feb 2 the US attacks Iran, in the Bible sunset is when a new day begins. Sunset of Feb 2 is 120 days since Oct 7th. On the Biblical calendar, the Iran attack took place on the 22nd of the lunar calendar. This is the result of the attck on " Outpost 22" in Jordan. Crazy huh From Thompson, John Date Received 02/02/2024 09:04 AM CST Subject IMPORTANT MAIL UPDATE!!! Hey I sent some emails yesterday that were intended to go to Viva Ministries. In the last email I told Jeremy and Eve that the could snail mail me @ the old P.O. Box 1111 address....... This morning I got an "urgent" update on my tablet saying to not use that address anymore. From now on the address to use is: 6908 Old Highway 41 Carlisle, IN 47838 This goes for you as well. You may want to edit the address you have for Amazon. Btw I tried calling last night to ask you to take the 6000 year poster to work with you so that you can show it to MaryBeth before mailing it out to Viva Ministries. I couldnt remember whether or not I said that in my email blast. Ill try again later to get ahold of you. From Thompson, John Date Received 02/01/2024 08:00 AM CST Subject Real Vida Ministries part 5 While I do believe that weather manipulation is a thing, I also believe that we must be very careful when assigning a culprit. The reason I say this is twofold: #1. The Two Witnesses ALSO have the ability to stop the rain as detailed in Revelation 11. By assigning this ability to the False Prophet we run the risk of fomenting a belief that one of the Two Witnesses is the False Prophet. We would be inadvertantly playing right into the devils hand #2. By overemphasizing the role of government, or man for that matter, in our attempts to explain increasingly severe weather pheonomena we are helping the Devil conseal the fact that Yahweh Himself is using weather to punish humanity. Humanity needs to come to grips with the fact that Climate Change is indeed MANMADE. What I mean by this is that the SINS of mankind are bringing about Climate Change, NOT OUR CARBON FOOTPRINT. The Devil knows better than anyone that climate disasters are coming so he is steady at work trying to convince humans that the source of the problem is CARBON and not SIN. On a side note I do find it very interesting that the element Carbon is #6 on the Periodic Table. Im going to wrap this letter up. My goal in writing this letter is to seek a partner in getting the message out about the 6,000 year teaching. I need no financing. I will handle all of that myself. I am starting a job in March, Yahweh willing, where I will be making up to $1000 a month. I hope that we can partner up. All I ask is that I simply be addressed as "John". I have a sex case and do not want that to muddy the waters when trying to sound the alarm. You can write me via snail mail: John Thompson #258153 W.V.C.F P.O. Box 1111 Carlisle, IN 47838 Or email which is better. Go to look up my name and D.O.C # Hope to hear back. I am placing a lot of trust in you by mailing my only copy of the poster. Ttyl From Thompson, John Date Received 02/01/2024 07:31 AM CST Subject Real Vida Ministries part 4 You stated in "How Empires Fall" that your desire is to equip believers with enough knowledge of various possible End Times scenarios so as to prevent deceptions. Ironically this is how I have approached my study of the End Times over the past 9 years. I started by questioning all mainstream End Times teachings. I wanted to put all prevailing theories on the proverbial hotseat so at to test their merit. What I found is that many of them are severely flawed. To be clear as to my beliefs: 1.I do not believe in a Pre-Trib Rapture, in fact I beleive this teaching will singehandedly be the most damaging and deception inducing teaching of all time. Millions around the world are going to feel like a ship with no rudder when they suddenly find themselves in the midst of the Tribulation. The vulnerability of believers when they find themselves in the Trib is the perfect setup for a massive influx of false prophets. 2. I do not believe that the events of Revelation chapters 6-19 occur in a 7 year period!! I believe the Tribulation may be closer to a 10 year period. The implications of this are monumental!! The First 6 Seals likely occur BEFORE the final 7 years start and are the needed catalyst for bringing about the rise of the Antichrist. Think of the 4 Horseman as the proverbial "Great Reset" proposed by Klaus Schwab. If Im correct we may very well see preachers around the globe falsely believing that the Two Witnesses are the False Prophet and Antichrist. Governments around the globe may very well use AI to convince people of this. The death of the 2 Witnesses in this scenario would occur slightly 6 1/2 years into the Trib causing believers to think Yeshua has Returned. The frightening reality in this scenario is that it isnt Yeshua Returning but the arrival on earth of Satan. You said something in your "How Empires Fall" podcast that I want to caution you on. You stated that the false prophet may prevent rain from falling in certain areas of the globe. From Thompson, John Date Received 02/01/2024 07:05 AM CST Subject Real Vida Ministres part 3 Over the course of my studies I made a startling discovery. I was doing a completely unrelated study on the many type-shadows in the life of Moses and began noticing a pattern that perfectly fit into the 6,000 year teaching. I discovered that a period of 6,000 years is also 120 "Jubilees". I did some research from Jewish sources and discovered that Moses is believed to have died on his 120th birthday. This struck me as very peculiar. I started asking why the life of Moses was divided into 40 year timeframes. Why did Moses spend 40 days on Mt.Sinai on 3 different occasions totally 120 days in all? Why was Noah given 120 years to build the arc according to Jewish tradition? Why does Revelation 2:10 say the Church of Smyrna would have Tribulation for 10 Days ( commonly interpreted to mean 10 years)? 10 years is 120 months!! What is discovered is that Yahweh may have intentionally orchestrated the timeframes of Moshe's life so that we who live in the Last Days would know the season of His Return. The life of Moshe allows us to correct the error made by Chrisianity regarding when the year 4,000 would happen. Through an analysis of the type-shadows in Moshe's life I discovered that the year 4,000 was not connected to the birth of the Messiah at all. It was connected to his DEATH. The Passover in the 80th year of Moshe's life is directly linked to the 80th Jubilee or Year 4,000 when Yeshua our Passover Lamb was slain for our sins!!!! The beauty of this revelation is that we still wont know the exact year of our Blessed Messiah's Returm because we dont know for certain what year the Messiah died. The implications of this are earthshattering and need to be shouted from the rooftops. This means the year 6000 is likely no later than 2033ish. From Thompson, John Date Received 02/01/2024 06:30 AM CST Subject Real Vida Ministries Like you I believe that we are living in the last of the Last Days. Like you I also believe that knowing the exact date of Yeshua's Return is impossible. However I do believe that Yahweh will let His servants know the season of that Return. Over the course of my incarceration (9 years and counting) I have devoted hundreds and maybe even thousands of hours in studying the End Times from a not traditional approach. I left mainstream Christianity and began following a more Messianic flavor of worship more in line with the early Christian followers of Messiah. The desire to try and clean up my worship from a lot of the pagan influence which has crept into the faith over the centuries was one of the greatest decisions I ever made. It opened me up to methods of interpretation of a more Jewish type flavor. This exposure to Jewish teachings singlehandedly allowed me to make the greatest discovery of my life. The posterboard you see deals with a Jewish concept on the passage of time. Many Christian authors over the years have made mention of the 6,000 year concept. It has been around for thousands of years. Sadly both Jewish and Christian believers have failed to properly understand this teaching. Jews missed their ability to fully understand this teaching because they rejected their Messiah. Christians failed to understand this teaching because of certain non-biblical traditions they followed that resulted in a distortion of the timeline. I dont mean this as an insult but the institution of Christmas and the observances surrounding it caused Christianity to place more empahsis on the Birth of Messiah rather than His Death on Passover (a truly biblical observance). They missed the mark when it comes to what dates are more important. All Christian writers I have ever seen place the Birth of the Messiah at the year 4000 after Creation. This is where they distorted the timeline. From Thompson, John Date Received 02/01/2024 06:04 AM CST Subject Real Vida Ministries part 1 Shoutout to Jeremy and Eve, My name is John, I am an inmate at the Wabash Valley Correctional Facility in Carlisle, IN. I recently discovered your podcasts via the education platform on my tablet. I'd have to say that I'm hooked. What drew my attention initially were the segments on the End Times. Unfortunately the 1st 2 segments never worked so I was unable to view them due to some sort of HTML error. Nevertheless I continued checking back daily for new updates. When I finally got a segment which worked(btw I think the problem is on our end not yours) I have to say I was impressed. I just got done watching "How Empires Fall" which I really enjoyed. The portion about the young man incarcerated at age 17 with no family truly had me in tears. I prayed right then and there that Yahweh would show him that He's got his back. The reason I am writing to you sounds strange, but every single time I watch your podcasts I have had a voice telling me that your ministry is who I need to kickstart a project I am working on. Im sure by now you have already seen the poster which my friend and mentor of 20+ years mailed to you. I made this poster last year and it was shared with 200 inmates in the housing unit I live in. I am currently working on a much more ambitious project which involves a website a friend purchased @ Like you I am a student of Bible prophecy. I started studying it at the age of 16 and now at the age of 36 going on 37 I feel an unquenchable desire to share my discoveries with the world. The problem is that nearly all ministries ignore my letters. The only 2 people to show an interest in my work were 2 published authors, sadly both of them passed away shortly after writing me back. I have seen the respect you show inmates which is what convinced me to take a chance and mail the poster to you. I have one copy so making this decision was not done lightly. I truly feel that Yahweh is telling me to send it to you.